
December 13, 2012

1 week to go!

Dear friends,

There is exactly one week to go now until we reach the powerful triple date of 12.12.12. This alignment event is the final precursor to the Winter Solstice of 21.12.12, which sees the end of many major earth cycles.

With every end, comes a New Beginning.12.12.12 is an energy Gateway, a trigger as it were, that will provide us with an important opportunity to prepare ourselves to receive the Higher Consciousness frequencies that will flood into our planet on 21.12.12. Some people actually believe that 12.12.12 date is the more important date. I certainly feel that this is a moment when the Crystalline Grid of the planet will ‘reboot’ and really fire into life. It is for this reason, I have been guided to make The Master Skull Solar available to people, in person on that day.

If you feel drawn to join us in the Chrysalis Centre, please feel free to bring your personal crystals with you, so that they too may receive ‘Solar’s’ energy. You are also invited to bring your drums, rattles and other sacred tools, if you feel so inclined.

Each person present on the night will have an opportunity to connect with ‘Solar’ privately. Each individual will also receive a personal ‘Sounds of Sirius’ channeled healing, which will come through me for them, in the moment.

Booking is essential as places are filling up and space is limited.

Wednesday December 12.12.12  @ 7pm

The Chrysalis Centre

129 Mulgrave Road, Cairns

Beside Youth Centre building – just past Showgrounds

Time: 7pm      Cost: $40.00


Chrysalis Centre Tel:  (07) 4051 6755

Lia:         Tel: 0419 486 073


Download event poster

Download small flyer to print out and share

All Sounds of Sirius CDs will available at heavily discounted prices for Attendees


Crystal Awareness Institute of Australasia

‘The Crystal Connection’

DaEl Walker, who is the caretaker of the Crystal Skull ‘Rainbow’, founded The Crystal Awareness Institute in California in 1975.

His main focus was to do research on energy, healing and consciousness. In 1998 he brought his healing system of Crystalotherapy to Australia and in 2001, The Crystal Awareness Institute of Australasia was established here.

Peter Cowell, an Australian member of the Crystal Awareness Institute, attended the Ravenshoe Event, at which The Master Skull Solar appeared in public for the first time in Australia. Peter has written an account of his experience on the day for the CAIA newsletter. He was so moved by his meeting with ‘Solar’, that he was also inspired to write a poem in ‘Solar’s’ honour.

The newsletter also carries a message from world-renowned Crystal Skull carver, Leandro De Souza – the person who released ‘Solar’s’ form from the stone, and gave him ‘life.

I hope you enjoy reading this lovely CAIA newsletter!

Connect Magazine

Feature article on ‘The Master Skulls Solar’

The December/January issue of Connect Magazine has just hit the newsstands.

This issue contains an article by yours truly, about the ‘Solar the Magnificent’!

“Crystal Illumination” by Lia Scallon



Special Xmas Offer

Yes….it’s that time of year again!

Many of us may not be fully in sync with the Gregorian Calendar, but it’s still hard to get away form the Christmas hype completely! It does provide us with a good excuse in any case, to show our appreciation for those who love and support us. To that end, I’d like to offer a very special opportunity for anyone who purchases any item from the Sounds of Sirius Online Store from now until December 24th.

With any purchase from the Sounds of Sirius Online Store

you will automatically be entered into a Special Draw.

The Winner will have a choice between:-

MP3 Download cards for the Full Sounds of Sirius Album Collection –

9 Separate Album titles.


A Mystery Crystal Skull

Both Prizes are valued at $150.00

Draw closes Midnight December 24th.

The winner will be announced soon thereafter.

visit the online store

I hope this finds you well and looking forward positively to all that lies ahead…

May the gifts of Self-Love, Joy and the realization of your own Divinity, reveal themselves to you from deep within during this momentous year of the 2012 Gateway. Let us make a vow to ourselves and to each other, to embrace all that we are, and all that we are becoming.

As always…
Much Love and many Blessings,



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