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Event Specials – SOS Source Stone
Ceremonially charged by Lia and
Imbued with Sacred Sounds from Source
In 2013 on direct Guidance from Spirit, Lia commissioned the creation of this powerful 10-sided Lapis Lazuli Decagon. She had been instructed to mount an Australia-wide Sounds of Source tour, and was told that the purpose of this sacred geometric Stone was to help people anchor, integrate and utilise the new high frequency ‘Sounds of Source Transmissions’ she was to bring through. Hundreds of these Stones now encircle the globe, creating a powerful Indigo Grid of Light that connects all their custodians with each other.
A set of 5 larger Master Source Stones were also created. These travelled with Lia to every SOS ~Sounds of Source event for the purpose of establishing a crystalline grid within the ceremonial space, to help ground and anchor the transformative frequencies within those present.
The Crystal: The Source Stone is custom carved from premium grade Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan, the country considered to have the best quality Lapis in the world. Lapis Lazuli is a crystal best known for activating the higher mind and psychic abilities through the third eye, allowing one to develop enhanced intuition and to access spiritual guidance. In Ancient Egypt, Lapis was unsurpassed as a stone of Royalty and spirituality. It was used to adorn the Pharaohs during their life, as well as to decorate their tombs for the journey to the next life. Lapis still carries the vibration of the inner ‘king’ or ‘queen’ that lies buried deep within each of us. It is the stone of Royalty in its truest nature.
In one of his readings, renowned Seer Edgar Cayce spoke of Lapis Lazuli thus…
” As to stones…
Have near to self, wear preferably upon the body, about the neck, the lapis lazuli. It will be not merely as an ornament but as strength from the emanation which will be gained by the body always from same. For the stone is itself an emanation of vibrations of the elements that give vitality, protection strength, and that of assurance in self, for it opens the psychic ability.”
Imprinted as it is, with the unique signature energy of the divine Sounds of Source’ frequencies transmitted through Lia, the Source Stone also carries the energy of the Sacred Indigo Ray, which it has been said, will trigger the next step in our evolution as a human species. Indigo-coloured Lapis also contains within it flecks of golden pyrite, which reflect the golden energy of the Solar Rays. Pyrite assists one in acting upon one’s highest ideals and one’s visions. Lapis Lazuli therefore, is the perfect crystal to embody the essence of the ‘Sounds of Source Transmissions’.
Sacred Numerology: From the first seeding of the ‘Sounds of Source’ project, it was made clear to Lia that the numerological symbology of the No 10 was of central importance. This symbology was confirmed again when Lia discovered that the initials SOS~SS (Sounds of Source~Source Stone) also have a numerological value of 10!
The Source Stone’s 10-sided geometric form embodies the vibration of the No 10, a number described by the Ancient Mystery Schools as the number of Perfection. No.10 symbolises a return to wholeness. Containing the 1 of New Beginnings, along with the Zero point, 10 encompasses the beginning and the end, as well as endless and open possibilities. No 1 by itself signifies leadership, individuality and originality. Zero by itself signifies the unlimited, the eternal, the universal…the Source. When placed together, Zero increases and magnifies the potential of No.1 by times 10, adding dimension and vibrancy. Added together, 1+0, reduce back to 1 again, reinforcing the message of New Beginnings and the perfection of the One-in-All.
Carved with Pure Intention: On Lia’s request, the crystal carver who carved the Source Stones, played her Sounds of Sirius music throughout the entire carving process. This carver had previously carved some crystal skulls for her, and after sending him a gift of her award-winning album Crystal Keys – Songs to Awaken and Heal, she learnt that he now plays the album constantly while he and his team work. Lia explained to the carver that these stones would be used in sacred ceremony, that they would be the carriers of very high frequency energy, and that those who became their caretakers would use them as tools of deep Spiritual intent. From their very inception therefore, these stones have been imbued with the signature sound frequencies of the Sounds of Source.
Each Source Stone has been personally charged by Lia in sacred ceremony.
As soon as they arrived in Australia Lia put the Stones out on the Earth under the sun to cleanse them, and also to imbue them with the energy of the Australian Earth. In tropical Cairns where she lives, the energy of the mountains, the ocean, the Great Barrier Reef, the tropical rainforest and the abundant plant and animal life within it, all contribute to what is arguably one of the most sublime and beautiful expressions of Mother Earth’s beauty in the world.
Following their time on the Earth, Lia brought all the Stones inside and placed them in a grid around ‘The Master Skull Solar’, flanked by several of her other very important Crystal Skulls. Here they bathed in Solar’s energy, receiving his frequency and information, and his energetic signature.
Just after sunrise the following morning, Lia performed a ceremony during which the Stones were imprinted with the ‘Sounds of Source’ Sound/Light Codes, in a Transmission that came through specifically for that purpose.
Having now used the Source Stones for 10 years, Lia has found them to be incredibly powerful. There is no doubt in her mind that they do indeed anchor and amplify the high frequency Sounds of Source Transmissions. During every event facilitated by Lia during this time, Lia’s personal Master Stone that has been used to direct the energy out towards the group in very specific ways.
The following photos of the exquisite Lemurian Seed Crystal mandalas created for some of the Sounds of Source events will give you an idea of how the other 4 Master Source Stones are being used.
How to Use: The Source Stone is designed to anchor within the Being, the otherworldly frequencies flooding through the direct Gateway to Source opened by the Sounds of Source Transmissions. Placed in the left ‘receiving’ hand, or on the heart, 3rd Eye or Crown chakra, the stone will strengthen your connection to the Great Central Sun, as well as to Mother Earth’s crystalline grid. Past life memories and gifts from lifetimes in ancient Egypt may awaken within you, as well as the stirring of your Starseed origins to Sirius and other aligned star groups. Lia wear’s her own Source Stone each night so that her energy field is strengthened and protected while she sleeps.
Those who feel drawn to become the caretaker of a Source Stone, are encouraged to use it daily and to tune into the new Pillars of Light created by the Sounds of Source events that have been orchestrated by Lia throughout many cities and regions in Australia and beyond. The more people use their Source Stones, the stronger these new Pillars of Light become. These Light columns are a direct Gateway to Source. As they strengthen, many more people will begin to be resonate and vibrate to that higher frequency energy. In the original vision Lia received, she was shown that as more and more of these special crystals encircle the globe, in time they would establish their own unique sacred Indigo-Ray crystalline grid. She believes that in the past 10 years since the first Source Stones were birthed, this has indeed become a reality.
Solar Radiation
On a physical level, the Source Stone is designed to help you adapt to the geo-magnetic waves and Solar Flare radiation currently directed at our planet. The Source Stone acts as a stabilizer, allowing transformative Solar codes to enter your physical body with more ease. It will raise your vibration exponentially the more you use it.
Source Stone Summary
- Custom-carved from premium grade Lapis Lazuli
- Imprinted with the sound and energy signature of the high frequency Sounds of Source
- Imbued with the Sacred Indigo Ray, and the Golden Solar Ray
- Vogel-style precision-cut with 10 edges, 10 triangles
- Embodies sacred numerology of No.10, considered by the Ancients to be the number of Perfection.
- Each Stone personally charged by Lia in sacred ceremony with ‘The Master Skull Solar’
- Linked energetically to Lia’s Master Source Stone Grid set.
- Will help you stabilize & adapt to the intense Solar Flare activity directed at our planet.
- Strengthen your connection to the Great Central Sun
- Align you with Mother Earth’s crystalline grid.
- Awaken past life memories and spiritual gifts from Ancient Egypt
- Activate remembrance of your Starseed origins
- Gracefully anchor transformative new Solar codes into your physical body
- Elevate your vibrational frequency exponentially each time you use it.
- Sustain and maintain the newly opened direct Gateway to Source
- Establish a new Indigo Ray Crystalline Grid across the Planet
The Source Stone
A flat 10-sided Lapis Lazuli crystal, precision cut with Vogel-style facets.
Approx 50mm in Diameter, it sits comfortably in the palm of one’s hand.
Presented in its own beautiful SOS ~ Source Stone black velvet bag with gold trim.
The Source Stone Necklace
Beautifully hand-wrapped with an adjustable macrame neck piece, this necklace allows one to carry the powerful Source Stone on one’s person at all times.
Purchase a Source Stone Necklace
“Thank you so much for the most Beautiful Source Stone. The night I received the Stone my son and I were meditating together as we do every night, and he noticed it in my palm. The first thing he said was that it looked like I was holding stars in my hand. This is exactly what I thought myself! Because it is crafted from the finest Lapis I have ever seen, it truly does look like I am holding the Universe and stars in my hand. My son immediately wanted one!”
Paul – Sydney