Last year my dear friend Stephanie Phelps and I took a group of soul seekers on a ‘Journey of Love’ to this mystical land of Ireland. Our ‘Mystical Ireland’ 2017 was such a profound, transformative and life-changing experience for everyone involved, that we have decided to offer the trip again this year.

Photo: David Baird
This year, we’re also offering an optional 4-day Extension, for those who wish to be further immersed in the Celtic world of magic and mysticism, and who wish to delve even deeper into the beauty of the land, and the warmth of the Irish people. We will have private access to a number of awe-inspiring hidden gems not usually accessible to the general public, as well as visiting two more of Ireland’s Royal sites.
Ireland’s sacred sites are some of the most powerful places on the earth. They lift us out of time, and connect us with the energy of our ancient Ancestors, the Druids, the Tuath De Danann, and the Irish Faerie Folk, the Sidhe. Visiting these sacred places stirs our collective soul memory and fills our hearts to the brim with magic and mystery. The centuries of knowledge and wisdom contained within these ancient monuments, leaves one in speechless awe, and in reverence for what they can still teach us today.
What People Experienced on ‘Mystical Ireland’ 2017
“What a remarkable and unforgettable two weeks we had! The two of you created a wonderfully inclusive, magical web of light, which everyone seemed to fall into with ease as we visited so many amazing places. Time seemed to disappear, and our group unified into a wonderful collective of energy. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this journey. The subtle transformations are only just beginning now that we are safely home. I am so grateful to Spirit for aligning all of us with the ancient energies and karmic ties carried over for probably thousands of years.”
Pam Rosati
It was an amazing trip for me in so many ways. Every day we thought it couldn’t get any better, and each day it did! I have truly shifted from my experiences on this trip, especially due to the spiritual/other-worldly experiences I had at St. Brigid’s Well and Tara. Life is so much easier now since I am in flow and in sync with the Universe. I laugh a lot more, and am more joyful and grateful for everything. I hope to join you and Stephanie on future ‘Journey of Love’ adventures!
Linda Bedard
For anyone who wish to experience a tour that includes love, beautiful energy, lots of the sacred, and the most precious experiences this world has to offer, I recommend one of Lia Scallon’s and Stephanie Phelps ‘Journeys of Love’. They work beautifully together, each bringing different gifts that create a synergistic flow that keeps one excited and in the flow of life experiences. If you ever have the opportunity to become part of one of their tours…jump at it!
Wendy Everett
The incredible ‘Rainbow Gate’ photo above was taken during last year’s ‘Mystical Ireland’ tour, just after we did a ceremony to open a Faerie Portal. It was one of the many astounding Light Phenomena shots captured by tour participants, and indicates the tangible magic that surrounded us for the entire trip.
Last year’s tour sold out very quickly, and several people were disappointed when they missed out. It looks like this year may be heading the same way, with a third of the places already booked! The substantial Earlybird Discount is still available however, so if you feel called to be one of our 2018 ‘Mystical Ireland’ Sojourners, I would urge you to place a deposit soon to secure your place.
Stephanie and I are really excited by the quality of the people who have already signed up for ‘Mystical Ireland’ 2018, and we sense that this will be is a similarly profound and loving experience for all concerned. We have no doubt that the hand of Spirit is guiding every aspect of this special journey and that those who are meant to share it with us will hear the call in their heart.
Read Full Mystical Ireland Itinerary
Reservation Enquiries
Call Lia: +61 (0) 419486073
$500 USD deposit secures your place (Strictly Non-Refundable)
Full Balance due by July 14th 2018
‘Mystical Ireland’ 2018 Poster PDF
Hope to see you in Ireland!
Love and Blessings,