Two weeks before leaving for Mexico, I asked for Guidance as to which crystals to take with me for our ceremonies at the ancient sacred Mayan Pyramid sites. My unique Lapis and Pyrite crystal skull ‘The Shining One’ had made it known some months before that he would be an essential part of the proceedings. In answer to my request that day, I immediately found myself constructing a crystal grid around him.
When complete, the grid contained the following elements:-
2 circles of 13 Source Stones
12 Selenite rods,
3 pieces of Azurite,
A Pyrite Sun with Azurite bead at the centre,
‘Om Tat Sat’ – a Fostac piece which carries the energy of Harmony, centering and unconditional trust.
The completed grid had the feeling of a beautiful sun, which seemed very appropriate, as it would after all, lay on the ground in the land of Maya who were Solar Masters. It was a ridiculous amount of crystal to be carting in my suitcase the whole way across the globe, but as I suspected, it was well worth the effort to experience its power in situ. The crystals contained within this grid, now carry the energy of all the ancient Mayan sites we visited, along with the potent energy of the ceremonies we performed there.
When the Journey was over, Stephanie and I travelled to Lake Atitlan Guatemala. There we met a beautiful Mayan lady and her husband who had a crystal shop in Panajachel where we were base. I noticed that some crystals were wrapped in macramé settings and I immediately thought how beautiful it would be to have the remaining Source Stones from our ‘Journey of Love’ ceremonies, set as necklaces, by a direct descendant of the Ancient Maya. As it happened, I had my own personal Source Stone necklace around my neck at the time, so having obtained the agreement from the lovely Mayan woman, I was able to give her the perfect template for the design!
There are 18 only of these hand-wrapped, adjustable Source Stone Necklaces. 13 have been set with an beautiful Ivory thread, and the remaining 5 with a warm golden brown thread. The necklaces are equally suitable for both men and women.
These Stones are destined to find very specific people who will work with Mayan Masters whose energy is embedded in them. If you would like to have been part of our ‘Journey of Love’ family, but were unable to make it happen, perhaps you are one of them? This is a beautiful opportunity. This is a beautiful opportunity. To be able to carry a special power piece like this on your person, imbued as it is with accumulated ceremonial energies, is a gift indeed.
Each of the Source Stone Necklaces comes with it’s own beautiful little velvet bag with gold trim.