Source Stone Necklace


A 10-sided Lapis Lazuli crystal, precision cut with Vogel-style facets.

The Vision: In 2013, on direct Guidance from Spirit, Lia brought into being this powerful 10-sided, 10-triangled Decagon, which she was told would greatly assist people in integrating the new high frequency photonic Light Codes flooding the Planet during the momentous Shift of the Ages now upon us.

Every ‘Source Stone’ is cleansed and activated personally by Lia in sacred ceremony with The Master Crystal Skull Solar; imbued with the signature Sounds of Source Light Language frequencies, and imprinted with the Key Codes stored within the 5 original Master Source Stones that have been integral to every ‘Sounds of Source’ event since 2013. Your ‘Source Stone’ comes to you, charged with the Love, Wisdom and Knowledge of many Councils of Light.

Total Solar Eclipse – April 8th 2024
The current family of Source Stones have a particular destiny and purpose.
Read: The Prophecy Stones

NB: Crystal gems may contain natural fissures, inclusions, and colour variation. Each Source Stone is unique with its own individual charactaristics.

This ceremonial necklace is suitable for either men or women

Necklace at full extension:  Approx 44cm (17ins)
Necklace at shortest extension:  Approx 27cm (10.5ins)
Stone itself: Approx 50mm in Diameter 
Presented in custom made black velvet bag with gold trim

*Price Includes Postage Within Australia


SKU: N/A Categories: ,


“Words can barely describe this amazing necklace. The frequency is so profound and my resonance is so strong that I literally do not want it off my body! I have a number of ‘power pieces’ but this one is the Highest and most Resonant of any of them, especially at this ‘time’. I thank you from my deepest heart for bringing this Lapis to life.
Maureen Moss – author, speaker, former CEO of The World Puja Network

“This amazing Source stone is incredibly powerful and healing. I am wearing it now and it is pulsing like a heartbeat. I feel very lucky to own this piece.”
Jo Malone

“Today my Source Stone arrived. I held it in my left hand and my hand began to shake. My skin was tingling all over…my crown chakra too. Energy flowed through me…my heart began racing,… from my 3rd eye there was a feeling of a big band around my hairline from temple to temple and half of my head.”
Carol Rebers


Designed under direct Guidance from Spirit,
the Sacred Geometric Source Stone
anchors the high frequency ‘Sounds of Source’ within the Being.


The Qualities

  • Custom-carved from premium grade Lapis Lazuli
  • Vogel style precision-cut with 10 edges and 10 triangles
  • Imprinted with the sound and energy signature of the high frequency Sounds of Source
  • Imbued with the Sacred Indigo Ray, and the Golden Solar Ray
  • Embodies the sacred numerology of No.10 – the number of Perfection.
  • Personally charged by Lia in sacred ceremony with ‘The Master Skull Solar’.
  • Linked energetically to Lia’s 5 Master Source Stone Grid set.

The Purpose

  • To help you stabilize & adapt to the intense Solar Flares directed at our planet.
  • Strengthen your connection to the Great Central Sun
  • Align you with Mother Earth’s crystalline grid.
  • Gracefully anchor transformative new Solar codes into your physical body
  • Elevate your vibrational frequency exponentially each time you use it.
  • Awaken past life memories and spiritual gifts from Ancient Egypt
  • Activate remembrance of your Starseed origins
  • Sustain and maintain the newly opened direct Gateway to Source
  • Establish a new Indigo Ray Crystalline Grid throughout the Globe


The Prophecy Stones  –  Total Solar Eclipse – April 8th 2024:
The current family of Source Stones have a particular destiny and purpose.
More Information: ‘The Prophecy Stones



Ceremonial Charging of Current Family of Source Stones by The Master Skull Solar



Read More about the Source Stone


*Original necklace design by Californian Jewellery designer Natascha Wilczek

Additional information

Additional information

Weight .15 kg

Dark Brown, Light Brown, Cream, French Blue, Royal Purple, Violet, Black, Two Tone Light Brown & Lapis, Two Tone Cream & Lapis, Two Tone Dark Brown & Lapis, Two Tone Black & Lapis